
Mathis Durand

French Developer | đŸ‡«đŸ‡· 🇬🇧

Computer Science Master degree: Algorithms & Smarts systems

Full-Stack Developper

Part-time - End of 2024

Developing an autonomous Svelte based website, featuring a mongoDB back-end for monitoring and distributes onlines ressources.

Svelte mongoDB Automatisation Hosting

Blockchain Solutions Developer

6 months Internship - 2024

Blockchain monitoring, Consumptions on-chain/off-chain, Consensus, decentralized networks, smart contracts with machine learning, Full Stack Development. Orange Innovation.

Blockchain Research Fullstack LLM

Master's in Computer Science

2022 - 2024

Algorithms and Intelligent Systems: Artificial Intelligence Option, University of Caen Normandy.

Master AI Cyber

Web3 Infrastructure Operator

1 year Freelance - 2023

Managed Web3 frontend deployments and migrations, cloud hosting, DNS, SSL, and analytics.

Deployments Hosting Front-end Analytics

IT Tutor

≈ 50 hours - 2023

Workshops and help for students in difficulty.

Algorithms C

PHP Web Developer

2 months - 2022

Develop a web-based system parallel to a computer-aided maintenance management system software.

Web PHP SQL JavaScript

Bachelor's degree, Computer Science

2019 - 2022

Following a Science high school diploma. University of Caen Normandy.

Development Algorithms Methodology
Consumption monitoring platform of blockchains

Project providing a ready-to-use platform for monitoring and evaluating consumption on blockchain networks.

Fullstack Blockchain Research Private blockchains
Benchmarking LLM for Ethereum Smart Contract Development

Open-source project automates the generation, compilation, analysis, and testing of smart contracts using Large Language Models with Ollama, producing statistics to evaluate model efficiency based on different prompts.

LLM Blockchain Smart contracts Pipeline
AI-enhanced development environment for solidity

Web platform for comprehensive Solidity project development, featuring a LLM support.

Svelte FlaskAPI LLM llama3
Proof of Concept : Synchronization

Synchronize sensors and videos in real time with different clocks.

Python Sensors Live Video stream input processing
AI for Connect Four game

This project aims to implement and attempt to solve a Secret variant of Connect 4.

Java Minimax Negamax Monte-Carlo
AI for a Cluedo Version

Bot resolving variant of a cluedo, based on literal intelligence.

Logical formalization Formalism Strategy
Twitter Alarm Web App

Alert Website for twitter hashtags and words.

React ExpressJS mongoDB EmailJS TailwindCSS
Improvement and development of a PHP web application

PHP application serving as a web gateway to maintenance data from a heavy proprietary software database.

MultiAgents factory simulation

Multiagents system for decentralized planification in a robotic production workshop..

Decentralized planification Java Jade
Android Application

An application for discovering a tourist place.

Others projects

Others projects in bulk.

Scripts Networks Tools Cyber

AI and Machine learning

LLM, SVM Classification, regression, clustering, Multi-agent Systems, NLP, Scikit-learn, Integration of Generative AI APIs.


Smart contracts and Solidity : Foundry, integration. Web3 Development, EthersJS, Web3.py, Front-End integration.

EVM knowledges : consensus, mecanisms, Go-eth, gaz optimization, Decentralised networks.

Web Development

Front : HTML/CSS; JS and frameworks : React, Svelte, VueJS. Responsive & UI.

Back : PHP, SQL, FlaskAPI, mongoDB.

Multiplatforms & others

Java, Python, NodeJS, C, Rust, embedded computing.

Docker, Git, linux env, bash, git CI/CD, Cloud deployments.

Computer Vision

OpenCV, TensorFlow, Convolutional Neural Networks.